Thursday, January 29, 2015

Prepping To Meet You- A Snapshot of Departure & Time in Hong Kong (1/25-29)

Dear Brielle,

What have the last few weeks looked like in our lives as we’ve prepared to meet you?  As we sit here in a hotel room just days before meeting you, we’d like to try to give you a picture of what those final weeks before meeting you have been like.  I’m not quite sure we can give adequate words to all that has transpired in the last 4 weeks, but we’ll do our best.

For the last three years, we have planned and organized and prepared for your arrival, but then something funny happened. We went from hoping for a fall or spring trip to suddenly being told we were traveling in the coldest month of winter, February, when it is the coldest it could be in parts of China where we will be and where we live in the U.S.  God knows that your mom really hates the cold, so I guess this was another way He had to show me that I was not in control of this and you would come when He was ready for you to come home. He also knew you would be a winter baby and we’d travel during cold months as one of the first items we ever bought you was a winter coat and hat at a big sale at the outlets right after we had decided to start this process to be your parents. (your mom & dad love outlet shopping…ok, maybe just your mom and dad tags along, but I think he enjoys it a little every once in a while)  When we found out who you were a few months ago and saw your measurements, we were so surprised as the coat and hat we had bought you 3 years ago and just guessed on your size, should be a pretty good fit!

Since the beginning of January, this process has moved at a rapid pace.  Here’s a quick overview of what it has looked like:

1/8- Your visa application was approved

1/9- We filed for our Chinese entry visas in DC

In the weeks following, we started a baby registry for you as there were people who wanted to make sure you had what you needed in the weeks and months to come. Boy was that process a crazy one! You mom and dad are both really organized, but this whole baby registry thing was a whole other level!  Your mom and dad have never felt more confused in our lives trying to figure out what you might need. (you’ll have to ask your dad one day about Nosefrida—it’s a funny story) Your mom loves to research and ask questions so that was very helpful in preparing for you.  We received a lot of helpful feedback and started to feel a little better about the process and then started to get a few of the necessary items you would need to have in order to come home. (i.e. your carseat --which will be very fun to see how you react since you’ve never been in one in your life since birth. Your mom and dad have heard quite a few stories of that being very traumatic for little ones coming home from China. It might be equally as traumatic for you as it was for your dad putting it in the car at 1am)

I will admit there may (or may not have been) a few meltdown moments in the middle of Babies R Us and Target, as we were feeling overwhelmed by everything and knowing that we were going to meet you much sooner than we had anticipated. We were so excited, but didn’t quite feel ready. I guess that’s the way it always is though for everyone.  (or so we’ve heard)

1/19- Our agency called with our Travel Approval letter (this is THE big step everyone always waits for in their process because it means only a few days/weeks and you will be coming home!)

On this same day, we also received some updated photos and videos of you (we loved seeing these and so did all of your mom and dad’s friends) We also received some notes about your current size. 

These notes helped share with us what you liked, and some other general details about you. We had asked what you were afraid of so that we could be prepared for those things and had to laugh as they said the one thing you were afraid of were strangers.  Great…of all the things you could be afraid of. (LOL) I have a feeling that your “Gotcha Day” is going to be interesting when we meet you.

On this same day, we learned late that night that you were not in the orphanage, but had been sent to another province, Hangzhou, 9 hours away for surgery. When they found out we were coming to get you soon, they decided to bring you back and not do the surgery and let your doctors in the U.S. review everything and make that decision. We were so relieved!  We are thankful that China put you on a special surgery list to take care of you when your turn came up for surgery, but are grateful that we will be able to monitor your care and progress here in the U.S. and maybe even find out it won’t be needed. We are praying to that end.

The Saturday before we received confirmation of our upcoming travel, your mom had brunch with a few friends (I think they wanted to help me calm down as there was a lot to do to prepare to bring you home). It was a wonderful morning and they wanted to make sure you had what was needed immediately to come home. During this brunch, you were prayed over in ways that we cannot put into words. People prayed for your adjustment, your current health, the day we would meet you, the days following as you would have to learn to adjust to us. They prayed that you would be protected and safe in the weeks to come and the weeks following our trip to China. They prayed that you would come to love and know the same God that we have come to love and know.  I wish I could have videoed all that was said in those few short moments. They were precious moments that I will cherish. 

1/20- The US Consulate in Guangzhou, Guangdong China approved your adoption appointment. We had been hoping for a particular date that would give us a little more time to prepare for our big trip, then suddenly found out this office was asking us to be in China sooner than we thought! We will be leaving in less than a week to come and get you! We cannot express all that went through our minds in this moment.  We had so much to do and weren’t quite ready to jump on the next plane to China!!

1/21- We booked our flights to come and get you—we leave on Sunday! We had a little over 72 hours to get everything together and normally we are pretty calm people, but boy oh boy did we have a few moments during this week before we would leave to meet you.  I’m glad your dad is calm, because he had to deal with quite a bit of emotions from your mom during this past week.  They say pregnant women get really emotional and sometime downright mean during those moments of labor, well, I guess this was our “labor” and well, your dad was a trooper helping get things organized so quickly, calming your mom down, and making sure we didn’t lose our minds in the process. We had to remind ourselves to “Be Still…” and to enjoy the moments.  We just reminded ourselves that most of the things we could ever need for you, could be gotten in China most of the time if we had forgotten anything or ran out of something.

There were lists everywhere, lists for you, lists for us, lists for the paperwork we needed, lists on Iphones… I think you get the picture.  This whole 72-hour thing was tough!  I think we ran about 106 trips to either Target or Babies R Us as there was always that “one thing” we had forgotten. Then came the “mommy meltdown” in the parking lot the night before we flew out. Your mom just needed a moment to breathe and just stopped the car in the parking lot to do so. Whew. 

As the day approached for us to leave, we started getting together so many things for you:

-Medicine for you (just in case)
-Medicine for us (hoping we wouldn’t need it)
-Warm clothes for part of the trip where it would be freezing
-Cooler clothes for the last part of the trip where it would be warmer
-bottles and baby things (you are still drinking some formula they told us)
-Paperwork to make you officially ours
-Setting up insurance
-Scheduling your appointments with the International Adoption Clinic
-Items to try to help make your adjustment time with us smoother
-Items for the LONG flight home with you

As you can see it was a LOT to do in a short period of time, but I think we survived. During one of our many trips to run errands, you dad found this little toy and had to get it for you. Ladybugs mean “good luck” in China. 

He thought it was cute and since it vibrated and walked across the floor and had quiet music, he figured it would capture your attention.  It’s nice and soft too—I think your dad and grand-poppy liked it as much as anyone!  (and though I’m probably not supposed to tell you this, I think your dad likes a few of the things we got for you…I caught him playing with them and watching a few of the videos we downloaded for your long trip home…just don’t tell him I told you this)

1/25 (Sunday)—We left to come and start our journey to you!  We started our morning at 5am as we had to leave at 6am to catch our flight. Your mom never went to bed because there was still so much to do. (since I was wide awake,  I decided to just make a few more headbands for you (let’s hope you will actually wear them!).
We headed off to the airport to catch a flight from Richmond to Chicago.

We landed in Chicago only to find it snowing (surprise, surprise!) Thankfully, everything was moving right along and we boarded our flight to Hong Kong. We decided that since meeting you was going to be a very big day, we needed to take a few days before meeting our adoption travel group in Beijing to just rest and recover from jet lag and acclimate to a new time zone 13 hours ahead. Since our flights had to leave through Hong Kong when we went home, this seemed to be a good quiet layover for us before heading to China.  

The flight from Chicago did get delayed once we boarded the plane as they decided they needed to de-ice the plane. Your mom hates flying so this wasn’t exactly exciting news for her to hear, but did make her feel better overall. Within a half hour, we were off!  Only 15 ½ hours in flight…

1/26- Thankfully, 7,900 miles, 7 movies, and 15 ½ hours later, we arrive safely in Hong Kong late on Monday night.  Your mom has to admit it was the VERY best flight she’s ever been on in all of the years of flying overseas--so calm and smooth. God is so good to answer even the smallest of prayers.   

1/27-1/29- We rested in Hong Kong and then flew to Beijing on the 29th to meet our adoption travel group

Your mom and dad look forward to meeting you next week. It’s hard to believe it’s less than a week away. For now, we will rest as we know the next few days ahead will be busy ones as we continue to see Beijing and learn and experience your culture.  Your mom and dad are SO thankful for the many people who have prayed more prayers than we could count for both you and us, helped us remain calm these last few weeks, helped out with covering things while we are away, helped us prepare for meeting you, and helped make this process of bringing you home a reality.  They have truly shown what it means to care for orphans and the fatherless. God has orchestrated every detail of this from day one, as one day you will learn so much more about. 

Until next week, when we meet you on Monday, February 2, we hope God gives you wonderful last days with your nannies, your friends, and those who have cared for and loved you so dearly these last 17 months of your life. 


Mom & Dad