Sunday, December 16, 2012

An Early Christmas Present

Six years ago today, someone asked me a question that changed both of our lives forever- "Will You Marry Me?"Well, I don't think I have to tell you my response, but I will share some of our story.

Nate and I ironically went to the same University; however, we never met each other there- even though we later found out we had mutual friends. Once we both left school and entered our careers, it would be several years before God would allow our paths to cross.  For me, He had to take me literally around the world and back before I would "find" Nate or be ready to meet him (I had almost given up hope that there were actually great guys still to be found out there...but I'm oh so glad I was patient and didn't believe that little thought...good things truly come to those who wait).  Fast forward to a move back to the United States, a new job in DC, and several months later this "new guy" moving to the same area for a job offer. Hmmm.... let's just say it didn't take long before we met, became friends, started dating, and well, as they say- the rest is history.  

So our engagement? Here's how that memorable December 16th unfolded. 

A few days before December 16th, Nate told me that a friend from his work was starting his  photography business, so he wanted us to take some pictures that Saturday evening for his portfolio (or at least this was what I was told) The funny part is, I wasn't too into the idea at all, but went along with it anyway. (of course this was Nate's way to make sure I was "photo ready" for such a big day)

So, on Saturday, I headed out to do some Christmas shopping and Nate told me to meet him at his house at 3:30 so we could find "this guy's home".  I was a little late (surprise, surprise) from my Christmas shopping adventures (and was probably giving Nate a heart attack at this point since he had everything planned out and I had no idea what was to come) so once I arrived we headed out to find "Mr. Photography" and meet up with him. (not knowing that this guy doesn't actually exist)

After a short drive, we arrived at this location at the top of a hill and Nate acted like he couldn't find the house and long and short after "searching-for-the-guy-who-never-existed" he sends me walking one direction and before I know it, he calls out- I turn around and he is down on one knee, holding out a ring, with the sun setting behind him (he knew that I loved sunsets). Unfortunately, I think he's joking at this point and kept asking him "Are you really being serious?"  (I really don't know how many times I said that, but I know it was enough for him to say- "shhh....just let me talk for a minute" (haha- excitement/nervous energy I guess) and then he proposed and someone got an early Christmas present.

After he proposed, he played a song for me, then said we had to go somewhere. 

We jumped back in the car and ended up at a little gift shop to which he says "I thought it would be fun to pick out our first Christmas ornament together, so we headed inside. Little did I know, but he had already designed an ornament w/ the shop owner and ironically I walked in and headed right towards a certain Christmas tree where this ornament was hanging (I was drawn to the tree because of the color and had NO IDEA he had an ornament hanging on it).  As I'm just looking at the tree, I suddenly see my name on one of the ornaments and realize that it's for us- with our names on it, the date, and the statement "One Promise Lasting Forever"painted on it. 

And then there is a box under the tree that he tells me to unwrap and this is what I found inside...

I'm then pulled to another location where all of the ladies who work in the gift shop, and who helped pull this off, are standing (and just a little giddy might I add in light of what's happening).  I notice a gift box on the counter and realize it has our photo in it.  (it also had some wedding magazines and some tickets to an upcoming bridal show-- yes, he pretty much thought of it all so I'm going to brag on him for a minute)

After all of the fun at Zazu, we headed to a Christmas light show and an ice skating rink. To wind down the night, he had prepared dessert, complete with candles and rose petals to top of the evening.  A keeper?  I definitely think so.

So as we reflect on today, I know we can both say we have grown so much closer as only time can do.    

I am thankful for....

Who he is    
The godly example and leader that he is
What he means to me
 Who we are together

...and pray that the years ahead will be just a great as those in our past. 

Friday, December 14, 2012

The Christmas Adventures of "Instagranny"

Yes, you read that right and I did type "Instagranny" because this post has a couple of quick Instagram photos we took on my phone tonight of my grandma. This evening was a "date night" with Nate and "granny" [yes, we do call her granny sometimes- and yes, Nate was a great sport to share a date night with me and my grandma (#coolhusbandpoints)]. My grandma has always loved Christmas time and Christmas lights, so we decided to take a trip to see her and take her to look at Christmas lights in a nearby neighborhood. 

(Disclaimer: this very wildly, ahem, "festively" lit home pictured below wasn't one we came across with her (she might have jumped out of the back seat if we had), but rather came across in our city-- and trust me, this photo isn't even the half of it nor does it do it justice as to what it truly looks like- just think lots of bling, blinking, and animated things down an entire block. I was just thinking I'm glad I don't live beside this house or I might never get any sleep)
Now, if you think a little child enjoys looking at Christmas lights, I do think my grandma has them beat. I think she must have thanked us about 100 times for taking her out to look at the Christmas decorations and lights, complete with all of the "ooohs & aaahs". 

I have to say that I think that I have two of the cutest grandmas ever...and sure, I know that you probably think the same about yours, and you're allowed to think that; however, both of mine are too cute in my opinion (well, most of the time anyway). As we drove around, she was just loving every minute of the glistening white lights, the colored lights covering every inch of some homes, and listening to Christmas music. (to which she has not forgotten the lyrics to -might I add)  She continued to remind us how much she loved this time of year and just wanted to have everyone around at Christmas. We were also reminded quite a number of times that she couldn't believe it was almost Christmas. (to which I agreed and panicked because I have much to do in a few short days!)

Grandma was diagnosed with Alzheimer's years ago, and as anyone knows, you continue to see things progress over time. Tonight was the first time that she didn't recognize which granddaughter I was. (but at least she remembered I was her granddaughter,right?)  Oh she tried and tried hard- she recognized my face, but just couldn't connect my name with my face tonight. 

What I did find somewhat funny, though, is how she could remember Nate's name (once I told her which granddaughter I was). I told her she could always remember a good looking man's name somehow. (this is our family joke as she always is joking around about finding a boyfriend even at the young age of 80+  -although she has clearly told us there are no good prospects at the assisted living home)  

When I asked her what she wanted for Christmas this year--- her response?

"A good looking man"..... "with lots of money".  

Oh, Alzheimer's may have stolen some things, but her sense of humor and energy, not so much. It was the typical response one could expect from our funny little grandma.  So, I hooked her up at the end of the night with a good looking man and took their picture, what do you think?

Monday, December 10, 2012

White Elephant Gift Exchange

Last night was our community group Christmas party. Now, we all know that anytime you gather a big group of married couples together with a wild mix of personalities, it is going to be a crazy very calm  and serious night. (ok, maybe not so much) Though they do look rather calm and serious here, don't let those faces fool you. We might have lost a few of those "pre-Christmas pounds" with all of the laughter throughout the night.

**In order to protect individuals- no names will be mentioned in this post**

As you know, when a big group gets together during Christmas, you must play the ever-famous "White Elephant Gift Exchange"  (a.k.a.find the worst thing in your home or that one wedding or birthday gift you really didn't like and wrap it up to bring to the party) and with every round of this game year after year, no two times you play this will ever be the same. Last night was no exception.

Now, granted, it's always nice when a few people actually bring something someone will want (as was the case w/ about 3 gifts that luckily Nate and I seemed to open each time; though "somehow" they kept getting stolen from us all night. 
(again, no names will be mentioned in relation to stealing)

 Here is a run down of some of the crazier/random items of the evening:

A life-size artichoke
(I mean, doesn't EVERYONE need an artichoke sitting around the house?)

A Singing Rabbi
The "Abominable Snowman Hand" Ice Scraper

Of course let's not forget.....
Packets & Bottles of Hot Sauce

Gigantic Fuzzy Pink Slippers

A Huge Medical Law Book
Spy Glasses and Mustache Kit
(and you know these were the first ones everyone wanted to play with after the game)
The Spyglass Telescope(which Nate ended up with as you can see)

The Christmas Oven Mit w/ a Whisk filled
with Hershey Kisses(pictured below w/ a note "We Whisk you a Merry Kissmas")

And what man wouldn't want
A big ball of Yarn?

 A Partridge in a Pear Tree
 ok not really, but someone did get a 
Toy Cork Pop Gun
(which turned every guy there into a little boy again)
The faces and the gifts they are holding say it all don't they?

Of course, the guys couldn't have all the fun....

What's not to love about Christmas parties and this fun group?
Notice there is no "all male" photo-- they were too busy playing w/ their toys!

From our Community Group to you- we wish you all a very Merry Christmas and hope you enjoy this wonderful season of the year with family and friends!

Sunday, December 9, 2012

A Christmas Box

Ok, so I know that when we were all little, we were told we shouldn't brag, right? Well, today I'm going to brag on my church for just a moment. I think every now and then that's ok, right? Today, was the culmination of one of our Christmas outreach projects at our church- "Christmas for an Orphan".
Artwork created by Kids Point Children
which is sponsored by an organization our church supports- World Help. Like several other ministry organizations, World Help collects Christmas shoe boxes that families, churches, and individuals pack with toys and other daily essential items (toothbrush, soap, lotion, bandaids, neosporin, children's tylenol, etc.). These boxes are then distributed to orphans and less fortunate children around the world. 
We had to laugh, as we were shopping this weekend for our box items, that there is such a great difference between what goes into a "boy box" and what goes into a "girl box".  As you probably guessed, Nate chose the boy stuff and I focused on the girl stuff.  As we were looking through items and talking about what to get, Nate said that we had to get cars and trucks, lizards (since we happened to see those), a soccer ball, a dinosaur, wild animals (plastic ones of course because what boy doesn't like wild animals) among a few other things. Now, here is something we came across that Nate said every boy loves to play with because it is a little boy's way of teasing little girls (a.k.a. flirting) The picture says it all (and I'm sure some of you have some childhood stories that come to mind) 

**WARNING: If you don't like critters, scroll very quickly past this next picture**
I'm not going to tell you if this ever made it into the box or not...
that will remain a mystery.

Nate also informed me that what boy doesn't like loves flashing things and flashlights, so when he found the lizards and a little flashlight, he said that the little boy who got these would be the "cool kid" particularly because he had a flashlight. 

though quite a contrast from part of our "girly stuff"...

Today was the last day for individuals in our church to turn their boxes in or bring "loose items" for the boxes. All "loose items" were being used in Kids Point as one of the activity stations for children, where they would help pack a box for another child in Guatemala.
 The response from our church was overwhelming. Box after box poured in during our services...
 and numerous bags of items were also donated for our children's ministry to make boxes during their Christmas festival.
There were art supplies, pencils and sharpeners, pens, notebooks, 
coloring books, markers, headbands/hairbows/rubberbands, bracelets, stickers, dolls, cars and trucks, stuffed animals, and play dough, to name a few of the items represented. (of course who could forget candy!)

Toothbrushes and toothpaste, neosporin, children's cold medicine, children's tylenol, soap, lotion and hair care items were also donated.
 Children came through the various stations and chose items for either a boy or a girl and then packed their box...

This year, the Christmas festival had a global theme and children made different crafts as well as took home a Christmas ornament as a reminder that Jesus was born at Christmas for everyone and loves children all around the world. 

As always, our Kids Point staff and volunteers did an amazing job today in preparation for today's event. (I'm allowed to brag on them too, right?)

The boxes will head to World Help in the upcoming week...

Hundreds of boxes were collected (of course the official count will remain a surprise until our pastor announces it in the services). We are excited about how our church stepped up in such a big way this year. One thing unique about our partnership with World Help is that all of the boxes that our church packed this December, will be distributed by individuals in our church who will be heading on mission trips to Guatemala in 2013. They will be distributed in the village of Curva Del Pino.

We are thankful for such a generous church family and know that each gift will bless a child in need. There are several other projects our community groups and church have been blessed to be a part of this Christmas, which not only include providing items for children overseas, but providing Christmas gifts/items for children in need in our local school systems throughout the city. We also look forward to our local food drive that will take place during our two Christmas Eve services. 

To those who participated in this year's Christmas projects- we say thank you and are so very proud to be a part of such a loving and giving church family!

Monday, December 3, 2012

Dates & Memories

There are some dates that we will always remember for various reasons.  Some are days of great excitement and joy with wonderful memories while others are dates that we wish we could go back in time and change. Today is one of the days. December 3rd will always hold significance to my family for more than one reason. Last year, Nate & I decided to announce something special on a day that otherwise, was one that for the last four years had been a sad day in our family. On December 3rd, four years ago- heaven gained one of the sweetest uncles to walk this earth. He had fought a very hard and difficult 5 year battle with cancer. Our loss was heaven's gain and without a doubt, we know that this wonderful Christian man of faith, was welcomed by our Savior and joined other family members that had gone on before him. His life was evidence of that.

A year ago today, Nate and I announced to my side of the family we were adopting from China and though it was exciting for us, we also knew that on this very day held difficult memories for my mom's side of the family.  We decided to call my aunt this time last year, to share the news with her since we knew it was a difficult day for her and thought it might be something to make the day a little better. (as we had originally planned to share our news with our extended family when we saw them at Christmas) Needless to say, it made her day and she was so excited to hear the news.

My uncle Kenneth (a.k.a Ken, Papa, Buddha (don't ask about this one, really-- he had many aliases) was an incredible uncle and the kind of man that every one around him couldn't help but love. He was just one of those people who lit up a room when he walked in- with his sweet personality, his hilarious sense of humor, and warm smile.  People naturally gravitated to him.  

Pictured in Green with his brother and sons

You never saw him angry (although I'm sure there were occasions, you just never saw it often) and he always had a funny story to share every time you saw him. Though my dad doesn't have siblings, Kenneth became the brother my dad never had and became a part of our family in a way that many uncles don't always become. We grew up sharing many holidays with him, my aunt Sandra and their children. Oh could we share some stories of hilarious Christmas times and other family get togethers. I'll save you the details, but he was always the life of the party for sure. (and for us poor children, we had to keep him and my dad under control when the two of them were in the same room- it could get a little wild and crazy-- especially when his horse "Invisible" was around!)

He was an incredible family man. He was the example of what a father and husband should be, and had a wonderful relationship with them.  He loved to be with his family. His relationship with God and with his family were of utmost importance to him. 

.....and he loved his wife, Sandra. He was always the sweetest caring husband and I know that my aunt Sandra could share far greater stories than I ever could of what a kind, gentle, and loving husband he was. They shared many wonderful years together as a family and they both strengthened each other in different ways during his battle with cancer. She was faithful to stick by his side through the difficult moments until the end and as she would tell you, he would quote Philippians 4:13, "I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength."

We all shared some special moments in the hospital before God healed him and took him to be with Him, but the last words he said to my aunt was, "I love you and I'm going to miss you so much". I'm sure those were difficult words for my aunt to hear, but I'm pretty sure he's enjoying his new home much more than his home here. He's more alive now than he has ever been and he has many relatives who look forward to seeing him again some day. 

This is truly the beauty of knowing where you will go when life here on earth is over.

Kenneth, you were loved and are missed greatly- family gatherings just aren't quite the same without you. We know God healed you on December 3rd, just not quite the way we all had prayed. We look forward to the day when we will see your sweet smile again.