Monday, November 5, 2012

Vote - But Don't forget Prayer

On the eve of this all important election, I wanted to share the following important email that came to us today from the pastor of our previous church where we attended and served in before we left to help start the church we currently are a part of. He is a very influential pastor of a large church and I believe he hit the mark in asking his church and believers to pray very specifically for some important areas that will affect our country and Christians around our nation. I believe his words were worth sharing with you as a way to direct your prayer time tomorrow. 

Though our vote is important, our prayers are equally as important. As you prepare to vote, please remember throughout the day to pray for our nation. Here is his email and how you can be praying for the election and for America:

As we look forward to the very important elections tomorrow, I want to call believers to pray.

As 1 Timothy 2:1 says: "I urge that entreaties and prayers be made on behalf of...kings and all who are in authority."

In light of this, I would like to suggest that we pray for the following:
1. For the election itself--that God's perfect plan will be accomplished for our nation and its government officials at every level.

2. For our next president (whoever he may be)--that (1) he will realize that his position was obtained by God's choice; (2) that he will recognize his personal inadequacy for the task and cast himself upon God for wisdom, knowledge, and courage; (3) that he will passionately forsake his own political ambitions and strive with all his heart to do what is truly best for America and all Americans; (4) that he will reverse the destructive inroads that humanism and atheism have made into our society in favor of a morality and society based on the teachings of God's Word; and (5) he will courageously restore America to a place of moral, just, and economic leadership in our world.

3. For the US House and Senate--that godly men and women, with godly agendas and not selfish ones, will be elected from every state in America, and that they will not allow those godly agendas to be corrupted by the Washington political scene, but will stand strong for the Lord.

4. For local and state elections--that, here too, men and women of morality and righteousness will be placed in office, who will strengthen the moral and godly backbone of American society across our land.

5. For Christians in America--that we will get to the polls and vote, and that our godly presence at the ballot box will be felt in the results of this election.

"Dear Father, as Your people, we lift up our beloved nation to You today. We know that You have a sovereign plan for our nation, and we submit to that plan. Moreover, we know that, as a society, we have forsaken Your laws and allowed sin to deeply invade our culture. Today, as Your children in Christ, we turn to You in repentance and humility--and we ask for mercy for America. We ask that, in Your mercy, You would forgive our sin as a nation and restore us to a godly path, and that the results of the election tomorrow will massively reflect Your merciful intervention for America. We lay America at Your feet, Father, and beg for Your help to rescue this land that we love. In Jesus' name we pray, Amen."

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