Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Fourth of July Through a Child's Eyes

I can remember as a child that I couldn't wait to go to see fireworks with my parents and siblings every 4th of July. It's funny how years later, not much has changed. I guess now instead of going with my parents and siblings, I now go with my husband to see fireworks. I'm not quite sure what it is, but there is just something pretty amazing about fireworks.

Tonight we were laughing as we couldn't remember why we couldn't recall seeing fireworks last year, but later remembered that this time last year, we were in the middle of "no where Colorado" camping (ok, ok, so I guess Rocky Mountain National Park is somewhere, but goodness did it feel like the middle of no where to me- and I consider myself to be someone who actually does like to camp)  

As I was thinking back to last summer, I had to recall that this was the very time last year that Nate had brought up the topic of adopting, and we had spent much of our road trip talking about this idea, praying about it, and starting to read through the book 'Adopted for Life' (which, might I add, I highly recommend reading). I will be sharing more on this story soon as I know many of you would like to know more about "our story" and how we came to where we are today in this process. 

I remember last 4th of July, we had two little kiddos from Ethiopia camping beside us, who had recently been adopted (as we would later find out) and who enjoyed watching Nate and I put up our tent when we arrived. We thought it was too bad they wouldn't be seeing fireworks on the 4th (ok, maybe I was having a pity party because I wasn't going to see any this particular year) 

Typically the 4th of July is just one of those holidays that somehow caters to a kid (or to those who are still a kid at heart).  I can't help but wonder if this time next year we will have a bright-eyed little girl watching fireworks with us [that is of course if we let her stay up past her bedtime =)] 

I think one of the reasons kids might like July 4th so much is that they know it's one of the few nights during the year when their parents will let them stay up past their normal bedtime and they get to be loud late and run around outside late at night. Somehow adults kids are just always "in awe" of fireworks.

Let me take a moment to share how tonight's conversation behind us went:

CHILD:  "Mom?"

MOM:  "Yes?"

CHILD: "Mom, do you know what fireworks are made of?"

MOM: "No, I do not know what fireworks are made of." (said with exasperation in her voice because I have a feeling "little Bobby" had asked one too many questions already..)

CHILD: "I think they are made of fire that comes in different colors."

MOM: "Uh, ok, maybe so".

I think that I can understand his logic when I see a picture like this above-- it sounds like a good theory to me. The rest of the night all that ensued from behind us were "ooohs and aaahhs" throughout the rest of the show- of course complete with little kid cheers. Oh to be a child again on the 4th of July. 

Happy 4th of July!

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