Tuesday, August 7, 2012

A Sticky Note Day

I decided to write today's post based on a comment from Nate this week. It made me laugh yesterday and ironically, I thought it was more than applicable to my day today. 

There are two little words that I have come to love:  

Sticky Notes.  

(a.k.a. - Post It Notes as created by 3M) While some of you might have a list of all of the famous people you would want to meet-- I think I'd like to meet the person who designed sticky notes. I would like to thank them. It was an idea birthed in a brilliant mind and I really wish I had thought of it. 

(and Nate agrees)  

If we had created and patented stickies, we probably would have been on a beautiful white sandy beach today, lounging in a hammock tied between two palm trees, listening to turquoise waves lapping nearby- all while sipping on sweet tea (yes, I'm a southern girl and therefore this scene must involve sweet tea). However, neither Nate nor I created sticky notes so instead we both sat in offices in adjustable chairs on wheels. (this is where I insert that even though we both enjoy our jobs, who wouldn't trade some of those crazy days at work for the life of someone who can kick back on the beach anytime they want while their invention pays their salary-- don't judge- you know you were thinking the same thing too!)  

However, since I didn't create these fun little tools, instead I will have to resort to just using these incredible little pieces of paper to organize my life. (or in my spare time I may sit on the couch with Nate and think up an invention so we can be on Shark Tank and become entrepreneurs like the sticky note man) 

Today was definitely a sticky note day. My desk at work was evidence of this very fact.  I will be honest that I just might have an obsession with sticky notes, since they come in every color, design, and style imaginable. If you have organizational OCD like I do (at least that's what I call it since I love to organize things) you clearly understand why sticky notes are the greatest invention on earth-- 


How did we make it through life before them?  I use them for lists, to categorizing things, to leave notes for people, to make my grocery list, or to bookmark a page in the latest book that I'm reading. Oh the many uses of sticky notes. That is why today, I felt so accomplished after several days of an increasing number of "stickies" that included lists of things to review, people to contact, topics for meeting discussions, projects to complete and my general "TO DO LIST", I was able to start peeling them off one by one signifying the completion of many tasks. You might say my stickies had gotten a little out of control in the last week and were plastered all over my notepad and desk to the point where Nate was questioning if I was starting to wallpaper my desk with stickies. (Trust me, I know that I'm not the only one-- I've seen some of your desks too and I know there is method to your madness as well when it comes to sticky notes.)

So, if you are like me and like things to be neatly organized and also love the feeling of "checking off your lists", sticky notes by far are nothing short of perfection. Not only can you mark through items, but you can pull those stickies off one by one and visually feel such a sense of accomplishment, much more than just writing one long list on a sheet of paper and scratching through each item completed. (or at least that's what I've come to conclude in my mind)  

So, all of you "Post it Note" companies out there, you can contact me later and pay me for my free advertisement for your wonderful product. =)  On that note- I'll leave you with this funny video on You Tube that both Nate and I died laughing at when it first came out on TV-- you'll understand why when you see it because it involves both football and post it notes (which might possibly be the perfect combination for some people- or at least in our marriage it is). 

**Mental Note: This is what you do NOT do to someone who organizes their life with sticky notes.**

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