Monday, August 13, 2012

Our Favorite Adoption Video

Children singing and dancing... 

 Really, I think there is nothing any cuter than watching kids perform (and even more so when they don't perform exactly as they are supposed to- as any parent of a kindergarten child will tell you). If you read our post yesterday, you will recall I had mentioned as we were watching the closing ceremonies of the Olympics that one of the songs performed last night reminded me of a recent video a friend of mine shared with me from You Tube. The video captures a really amazing family that has adopted from China several times and are getting ready to adopt again. 

In this video they re-wrote the lyrics to 'Dynamite', a song that you might recognize from last night's performances during the closing ceremonies, and used it to announce their upcoming adoption to friends and family. I don't know who this family is other than the little bit I could gather from some of their comments from friends and family, but what I do know is that they posted the most incredible video on YouTube and once my friend passed it along to me, I couldn't help but share it.  You will absolutely love their creativity and I promise you will be inspired by what you see.  It is stories and videos like this that encourage both me and my co-workers to continue to do the work that we do.

As you watch the video, you will see that this family has adopted several children from China with various medical needs (limb differences, vision loss, etc.) and are getting ready to adopt two more.

So sit back and enjoy this video and be ready to smile until your face hurts.
(in a good way of course) 

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