Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Chinese Keepsakes & A Cantonese Dinner (2.10.15)

Reflections from 2.10.15- written while in China:

Today was a fairly low-key day as we are all waiting for our visas for our children to be processed, so we had some down time today. Nate was SO great to volunteer to keep Brielle and let me run to a few stores to find some items we would like to take back home with us to have as a family and to purchase for “B” for some of her special days in the future.  There is a wonderful market place just a few minutes from our hotel and where the quality of workmanship or authenticity can be guaranteed (that isn’t always the case in many stores in China). (example: an actual tea set you can use and drink out of that isn't made just for sitting on shelf or made with harmful things)  I went with another mother in our group and we were able to walk around and look at amazing Chinese tea sets, tea cups, Chinese knots and embroidery (Chinese knots are commonly hung in homes as they are thought to bring good luck and happiness), jade items, fine porcelain, Chinese art, clothing, chopsticks and more. Some of the most beautiful items were in this store and to have to choose a few things was quite difficult.

Since tea is a common staple at meals and very customary throughout China, we bought a really neat tea item that has the Chinese symbol for “double happiness” on it and will be something that we will give to her when she gets married. We were also able to pick up some other items we will give to her for special days in the future or when we celebrate either "Gotcha Day" or "Forever Family Day". Though I hadn't planned on it, we did purchase a really neat tea set that was unlike anything I'd ever seen before. (seeing that I'm a bit of a tea lover, I think it was an easy sell) :)

This shop also has artists located on site and they can create specialty items for you. We wanted to have someone write “B’s” Chinese name in Chinese characters and then her English name below. It was interesting to watch how they wrote with brushes and ink on rice paper and so carefully scripted her name. 

On the side, they wrote her “Gotcha Day” date in Chinese as well. We absolutely love how it turned out and can’t wait to frame it!

 We also purchased a few traditional Chinese items that we are going to use as Christmas ornaments and bought one that we will give to “Bri” one day when she has her own Christmas tree.

One entire section of this store was just tea set after tea set, so many intricate details and beautiful designs.  (Of all the days not to bring my real camera and have to resort to using my not-so-updated Iphone for a few shots….oh well)  It was just so fun to look through everything and see the amazing variety and artistic design of each tea pot or set. I can only imagine the amount of hours that went into making so many of the various designs in the store. 

Later this evening, we headed with our travel group to have a traditional Cantonese dinner at the Macau Street Restaurant.  The food was incredible!  

I just loved these vintage looking Chinese high chairs and couldn’t help but take a few pictures of “Bri” in them.  

We had different dishes of beef and pork, eggplant, Chinese buns, varieties of Chinese green beans, fried veggie rice, thin noodles, and a few other items. 

I think Brielle liked the noodles!

One thing about dining in China is that you don’t just have 1-3 items for dinner. You generally have a large variety of dishes and it’s absolutely amazing. Chinese food in the U.S. can’t even come close or compare to authentic Chinese food. (and if you think you know of a restaurant in the states that compares, please let me know!)  I’ll actually miss the food here.

We came back to the hotel and chatted on Facetime with family. They were all so amazed at the difference in “B” since the last time we chatted right after we first had her for a few days. They couldn’t believe the facial expressions and personality she was displaying. 
Here's a look at many of the faces she made in just a few hours tonight:
It’s been remarkable to everyone and especially us. We can’t wait to continue to watch more of her personality shine through as she continues to bond and attach to us as her parents. She’s a joy to be around and is such a good baby. Only a few more days until we head home!

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